Rainbow Canyon. Page 310.

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Rainbow Canyon. Page 310.

Post by mojavelimestone » Mon Dec 21, 2020 7:44 pm

Un-named 60' 5.11d
Andy Ross. Dec 21, 2020.
This route climbs directly up the arete between 2 Tuft 4 You and Sexual Basalt. Start 5' right of 2 Tuft 4 You. Climb the lower arete to a roof. Move left around the roof and make hard moves back right to regain the arete. Finish up the arete to the anchor of Sexual Basalt (7 b's).

Flash For Cash(without bolts) 55' 5.11c
2 sets of wires, Rp's and a single set of cams to 1.25".
This route can be done without clipping any of the bolts to make for a good, pumpy gear route. Lots of gear, but often fiddley and not always bomber. Bumps the grade to 11c.

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